
14 Characteristics Of A Godly Husband



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14 Characteristics Of A Godly Husband

Almost every good-intention and career minded women pray to be blessed with godly husbands who have the same vision, aim and objective towards marriage. In fact, the majority of women pray for God to bless them with a husband who is likely to treat them like a queen they are. A husband that will be kind in marriage and make their lives better, and a husband who love and adores the things of God. But then there is a question that evolves in-between the numerous wishes, which is, “how do we know a Godly husband?”.

Well, Bright Tobias has assembled this 14 characteristics of a godly husband as the point to look out for in a man while searching for godly husbands or godly men. Below are just the list.

14 Characteristics Of A Godly Husband

1: He Puts God First:

One of the characteristics of a godly husband is a God first man. Who is a God first man?. A God first man is that man that always commits whatever he is doing into the hands of God first before he gets it started.

A man who wakes up in the morning, prays, and commits the day before God is a sign of a Godly man, focus on taking note.

2: Always Honest And Truthful:

A Godly man is a man that always stands truthful in whatever thing he is doing. He is always truthful in his business, in his partnership with people, to his family and to everyone around him. Men that always stay honest and truthful are not many, I think we are just two remaining in this world, me and Bright Tobias, LOL.

3: Can Never Cheat On You:

As a girlfriend or as a wife, a Godly man is a man that will always stick by you in all obstacles of life. A man that will always cherish you and treat you like a queen in his kingdom, and a man that will never cheat on you no matter how ho*ny he is.

Men of such virtue are not many though, they are just two in this world, I guess you already know them.

4: They Can Never Cheat You:

One of the funniest ways to know if a man is truly a Godly man is by doing business with him and watch out whether he will cheat you or not.

It’s sad that in our world today, it takes people nothing to cheat someone. You do business with them, they take your money and vanish. In fact always make sure you taste people with money to know their ability. A Godly man will not cheat you while doing business with them, but people who don’t regard God will eat your money and still eat you join, LOL.

5: They Are Caring:

One of the 14 characteristics of a godly husband is that he is always caring and kind to you. In fact, they will use care and pamper to wound you. Godly men stay caring for their women while ungodly men stay toxic to their women.

6: Always Support You:

One of the 14 characteristics of a godly husband is that he will always support you in anything you do. Whether in your business, education, ambition or career planning, they will be by the side to cheer you up and support you.

7: They Don’t Marry More Than One Wife:

A man with things of God in his heart never married more than one woman. They are always satisfied with just one woman because they understand God’s instructions that says a man must marry one woman and a woman must marry one man.

So if he wishes to marry more than one woman, he is not a Godly man. I mustn’t tell you everything tho.

8: Respect Your Decision:

You see marriage can be beautiful, sweet and amazing. But the same marriage can also be ugly, painful and sad. This all depends on those involved.

A Godly man will respect your decisions as long as they are good ones, they will value your thoughts and places you high in their life. I think men that do this almost finish in the world, it just remain one person. Bright Tobias of course.

9: Won’t Shout At You In The Public:

Dear ladies, while getting married, make sure you look out for guys or men that won’t shout at you in the public anyhow. Make sure you don’t marry men that will constantly embarrass you in the public without any form of remorse. Make sure you marry a man that even when he tries to offend you in public, he will owe it up to you and apologize.

Actually, Godly husband won’t shout at you in public unnecessarily, it can happen once in a while though, but not repeatedly. So ladies always take note.

10: Always Gentle In Their Action:

A Godly husband is always gentle in his actions, because he knows that God is a gentle person, so we all should be gentle and kind to one another.

11: Have Genuine Love For Everyone:

A Godly husband always has a genuine love for those around him. He always care and looks out for the needy around him, those that deserves help and he loves everyone equally irrespective of who you are.

12: Forgiveable:

A Godly husband is that man that no matter what you do to him, he will always forgive you and treat you you kind. There may be some consequences based on your offense, but the end is simply to ignore the mosquitoes that bite at night and move on.

But hey, don’t try that with me.

13: Introduces God To The Family:

A God fearing man or Godly husband is a man that will introduce the things of God to his children, wife and everyone around him, because he believes that God is the only saviour they got.

14: A Man That Follows My YouTube Channel:

One of the 14 characteristics of a Godly husband is a man that goes to my YouTube channel Bright Tobias and subscribes, if you meet such men, kindly hold them tight because such men are few.

14 Characteristics Of A Godly Husband – Conclusion

The above listed characteristics are among the signs that show a man is a Godly man or a Godly husband. But please note, it is certainly possible for a Godly man not to possess some of the things in the list, it all depends on the characters you are looking out for.

But in all, make sure you mingle yourself with a good responsible and caring man that will always bring the best out of you. Of course this is MY WORLD, and I’m definitely rooting for you in your relationship. Thank you for your time.



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