
Should I Text Him Or Wait? – Love Quiz



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Should I Text Him Or Wait?

The above question, “should I text him or wait” is one of the most confusing thoughts or questions that mainly those into serious relationship always ask. Like should I text him first, should I text him quiz, should I double text him and so on and so forth.

These questions are often triggered by the overwhelming and outpouring love people have for their partners. And sometimes when you have waited for a very long time to get a text or call from your partner and it seems it never gonna happen that particular period, then the thought of “Should I text him first?” Comes in.

But however, when faced with this scenario or circumstance as a lady in a serious RELATIONSHIP, what would you do?, Go ahead and text him or keep waiting for his message to come first?. Well let’s learn about who should text first and who shouldn’t text first.

Should I Text Him Or Wait? – Who Should Text First?

RELATIONSHIP as we all know is very beautiful, so as MARRIAGE too. The cost of maintaining relationships and marriages can be so cheap when you look at it from a certain level, on the other hand it could also be expensive for you.


In any union involving two individuals known as RELATIONSHIP or MARRIAGE, it is the responsibility of the both parties to join hands in making sure that the love is being maintained and nothing spoils it.

That is to say, it is the responsibility of each of them to play a crucial role to make sure that the union is maintained and sustained.


However, it has never been anyone’s responsibility to care more than the other in marriage or relationship, it has never been the responsibility of anybody to love more than the other, and also it has never been the responsibility of anyone to text first while the other person follows along.

So, as you are wondering “Should I Text Him Or Wait” or should I text him first or should I double text him, just have it in mind that it is the responsibility of you both to text each other.


In situations where he fails to text you first, you can go ahead and text him first. Who knows, he may have not texted you because he is busy with other things and doesn’t remember he has a princess somewhere waiting for his message. So go ahead and text him, go ahead and double text him, go ahead and initiate the conversation, LOVE is actually beautiful.


Should I Text Him Or Wait? – Conclusion

Sometimes the love that exists among two lovers get shadow ban the moment one starts thinking if he or she should text first or wait for the other partner to text first. Who text first doesn’t matter, as long as your message doesn’t get ignored, then hit the send button and wait for your reply.

So the question or thought of “should I text him first or should I double text him” is a thought of doubt. If you love him, then go ahead and text him. If he delay to reply, double text him till he replies. Bright Tobias says so, Lol.


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