
What Defines You Is Not About What People Think Of You, But Who You Are



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As the headline goes, what really defines who you are and your personality is not about what people think of you in the society, is not about what people say about you in the society, not about what people consider you to be or what they think you may be, rather what defines you is who you are. Your personality and what you do.

This is the act of living personal, simple and unique. Though you may not be very much unique or different from others, but living base on what you want and how you want it is your true personality.

What Defines You?

There are a lot of things that defines people, both talents, skills and different qualities or gift which some of them comes by nature, and exploring the natural good ones to exhibit them without the fear of exaggeration is the definition of YOU.

This has come against many people who now downgrade themselves from the initial point they keep themselves just because they pay attention to the rate given to them by the people and the society at large. Know your worth and your personality.

Rate your self base on who you are because that is the definition of YOU, that’s what defines who you are. Those qualities, skills, characters or gift you have which doesn’t seems to correspond with that of your play mates and peer group, they worth your personality.

No matter what the people say about those gift, about those character or about those personality, as long as it worth it in the sight of God, keep hold of it. No one make a decision for you, your world belong to your life, so live it base on her it pleases you.

This points towards living unique and different from your peers, leaving a separate mark in the dashboard. That’s the signs that you are living according to who you are, that’s the signs that you are truly who you are and not an imitation of another personality.

The peers, friends and the society at large have a full capability of removing YOU from you and replacing the YOU with THEM in you. The force is quite much, the pressure is always high, but then does it record any merit?, I think capital NO has the answer.

For one to act in the influence of his or her peers is a perfect example of such force and pressure. It may seems easy to say tho but very hard to be avoided, that is why you are advised to place some limit on your peers and mind the ones you keep around.

But then, you are different and exceptional from the crowd, but you are being considered as one of the crowd, or you are being regarded as “wayward” simply because they don’t understand who you are.

They tag you something different from who you are because your personality doesn’t suit to their liking, because they have no knowledge about you so they assume you are what you are not. But then what should be your reaction?. To react over what or who they think you are?, to get angry?. I’m sure you are beginning to know the best, of course you shouldn’t react.

Don’t let what people think of you disturb you, don’t give yourself some emotional punishment simply because people have different view of you other than the true view of yourself. Don’t be disturbed with people’s words and comment about you.

Ignore them and believe yourself. Yeah that is the only way to stay happy amidst of those trolling and ill words and comments about you. Don’t try convincing people to believe the right one because you can’t succeed if your intention is to make everyone love you, the impossibility of making it happen is 0 percent because no matter how you try, you can’t convince everyone in liking you or believing in you.

It’s a choice to believe in who you are or not, if they can’t, then others will. Continue to be positive and be the original copy of yourself. There shouldn’t be any schedule time in your clock to start checking who believe in you and who doesn’t.

Be positive, make yourself happy and move on regardless of what they say, enjoying your world is definitely your responsibility. Enjoy it to the fullest.


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