Some people may just be wondering if older women getting laid by their men is quite possible or not, or if such practice goes well in the society or not, but the fact still remains that the society is quite an open community where different things happens irrespective of right or wrong. And going by what’s right or what’s wrong, no one can really detect what one likes, wants or doesn’t, you can only detest it.
You can’t possibly detect “dos and don’t” for people in their relationship or Marriage affairs, rather you can go further with your separate choice and no one will be an obstacle to it.
Intimacy is mainly created for the married couples mainly for the purpose of reproduction. Any other reason is for pleasure and can be seen right with a sphere of Marriage or RELATIONSHIP.
Though this has been taken for granted thereby making it rampant as a sign of LOVE or even greeting in so places, but the main reason for intimacy is for reproduction which can’t rightly happen aside the circle of MARRIAGE.
However, the idea of older women getting laid by their husband being seen negative or bad shouldn’t be so as no specific age is set for married people to enjoy their life, have pleasure and release some tension off.
The abstenance of intimacy while getting old is probably as a result of poor libido which some individuals may be having while getting old, it is not necessarily as a result of rules and regulations set by God or human for older people.
People tends to loose some strength and loose some desire for their partner in those areas, so they may decide to take it off from their lives.
In other hands, some married people who are getting older may still be active in such play and will still be taking their daily routine with their partner, it shouldn’t be considered weird or something strange, if you can do it in your Youthful age, and wishes to continue in your older age, you shouldn’t be prevented.
Older women getting laid by their men is however, as a result of people’s activeness and desire in intimacy irrespective of their age, and so can’t be seen bad or strange.
How often do you think older women are getting laid by their men?
This is actually where “older” comes in and as such should be understood easily.
The rate in which people goes into such play when at young age can’t possibly be the same when getting old.
While taking this as a daily duty or routine when young isn’t so while getting old, this can just be as much as your strength permits you.
Though some religion, culture or tribe may be against such practice of older women getting laid by their men (if there is), but it can be understood properly that everyone has their choice and can live according to their choice.
Some married couples who are likely getting older can still be active and have much strength to perform their duty or to enjoy themselves, while some can’t because they have fallen weak.
So choose to be in your own lane irrespective of how bad people may portray it because it actually not bad, it’s based on people’s mindset and mentality.
Older Couples
Remember the act of intimacy is meant for couples to be enjoyed, and there is no specified age in which people can engage in such play under the union of MARRIAGE, if you are young and married, you can enjoy, if you are old too, you can enjoy it as well. Thanks