
5 Mistakes Guys Make When A Girl Pulls Away



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5 Mistakes Guys Make When A Girl Pulls Away

5 mistakes guys make when a girl pulls away: Sometimes, men don’t really take it rightly when it comes with their woman pulling away for some reasons which may be so important to the ladies than others may think. Men don’t always take it rightly towards hitting the nail on it’s neck to find the proper solution for that and get their woman back, instead they bump into mistakes that may cost and hurt their RELATIONSHIP instead.

Well, here are just 5 mistakes guys make when a girl is pulling away.

1: Assumed She Doesn’t Love You Thereby Acting Same:

Literally, women tends to pull away when they have so much issues packed upstairs which seems unattended to, and instead of wailing and putting on sad faces over the issues all the times, pulling out might be the right option for them at that moment.

However, sometimes when a case like this happens, the guys just assumed that the girl pulled away because she doesn’t love him or feel the same way he feels for her, and to them acting the same way is the best as not to look angry, disturbed, hurt or heart broken by the departure of the girl.

But this can just be a sign of messing up with your LOVE LIFE or RELATIONSHIP, because instead of flying down to your feelings to know the mistakes that may have trigger such action from your girl and find the proper solution for it, you choose to replicate the same feeling and action, and this can hurt your long time RELATIONSHIP.

However, at times ladies who are well matured enough understand that pulling out of her long time and most precious RELATIONSHIP can be a good way of reconnecting to their love and igniting the affairs after much weigh down from conflict and issues in the relationship, so instead of doing the right thing to get your girl back, some men will prefer acting the same way thereby killing the relationship more.

This is one of the common 5 mistakes guys make when a girl pull away.

2: Insulting And Blaming Her:

When a girl pulls away from a long time RELATIONSHIP, she didn’t do that because that is the best thing to do, but of course it could be the best thing to do at that moment for her mental sake, but the common mistake some guys does is going forward to insult her and blame her for everything.

Some guys can end up calling her a gold digger who has pulled out because she has gotten all she wanted, or start blaming her and accusing her for all kinds of things, and this may not really be okay to digest by the girl in her mental state at the moment.

Aside the case of some girls pulling out because they are no longer interested to continue the affairs which also has it’s own strong reasons and can be sorted out, sometimes ladies also pull out when they think their men are giving them less attention and not really giving them the love they deserve as a lady. And instead of going to the root of the problem to find out what her reason is and try settling it amicable, some guys will choose blaming and even adding all kinds of insult just to prove to others how hurt he is.

Insulting and blaming a girl who has been in a relationship with you for years and pulled out for no proper reason understood by you is one of the 5 mistakes guys make when a girl pulls away.

To me Bright Tobias I don’t think proving right at all times can solve any problem, not just in RELATIONSHIP but in LIFE general. Sometimes you can just take up the blame and make things work again, instead of playing a blame game of who the problem is and who the problem is not.

When a girl pulls out, understanding your flaws, mistake and the reason she decides to take a chair backward is the best sign towards reconnecting the love back. Understand that everyone has problem and what bothers them, you can only know if you are interested and pay attention to it.

What if you haven’t been paying attention to your girl and she finds it difficult to cope with you and find Life stressful at the same time, then decide to pull away, don’t you think going to her to know why she pull away without putting any form of blame claiming who is right and who is wrong will be the best for you?, Well Bright Tobias says it’s the best way tho.

3: Announcing Her Bad Side To All Your Friends:

I have always maintain that RELATIONSHIP isn’t a kind of hide and seek or skit games played among kids or “immature” guys who still doesn’t understand the importance of privatising their relationship affairs.

Bright Tobias always emphasis on the need to date and get in a serious RELATIONSHIP with someone who is not just physically old and matured, but also mentally and emotionally old and matured.

One of the 5 mistakes guys make when a girl pulls away is going around his peers shouting and broadcasting all her negative and bad side to your friends and trying to make her look badly in the sight of people.

With experience and learning I have seen many guys broadcasting how they have slept with a girl they once dated and how us*less they are with their bad character, and such actions from the guys doesn’t portray a good moral upbringing as a guy. And moreover this isn’t meant to solve any single problem in your love or relationship affairs, rather it add more to the numerous relationship and marital problems and challenges facing the present society.

Announcing to your family and friends of how bad your girl is because she felt tired and pulled away instead of getting DEEP into THOUGHT to cross-check what you may have done wrong is one of the 5 mistakes guys make when a girl pulls away.

If you are well matured enough to be in a relationship, even if your girl decided to break up with you for any reason, that won’t be a good reason to start running a sh*ty blame on her, simply move on if you have implore all possible means to make it work while your efforts yields no fruit.

Relationship is for matured minded people and not for kids please.

4: Ignoring The Actual Problem:

I seriously don’t think a lady can just pull away from her RELATIONSHIP especially when you both has spent so many years together without a proper and suitable reasons.

One of the major fault and major 5 mistakes guys make when a girl pulls away is ignoring the problem that made the girl to pull out and focus on things that can even trigger more pain to the girl.

For an instance, we live in a society where many guys still have the mentality that all the ladies are after money, so most times these guys with such mentality tends to acquire enough wealth to lavish on their girlfriend.

Now after getting much money and having a very beautiful and pretty lady on their side who also looks like a normal gold digger they have always wanted, but unfortunately different is the case.

Now this lady is the type that wasn’t brought up to really value money and other materialistic things over love and affection, while their boyfriends think otherwise, what do you really think that will happen in such RELATIONSHIP?.

Well, there will be a time when the girl will definitely feel tired and unattended to and pull away, now instead of the boys involved to start going after the root of the problem and start finding a way to care for their girls and give them affection they deserve, they went after the money aspect they have been spending on the ladies which the ladies aren’t even interested at the first place.

Now this is a scenario of the fourth of the 5 mistakes guys make when a girl pulls away.

5: Feeling Less Concern:

The last but not the least of the 5 mistakes guys make when a girl pulls away is feeling less concern.

Sometimes when a girlfriend pulls away from a long time RELATIONSHIP with her boyfriend, she is definitely expecting something positive to come out from the guy’s side, and when her expectations fail to be fulfilled, it becomes problem and fault from the guy’s domain.

A feeling that a guy doesn’t care when a girl pulls away from a long time relationship could also mean the guy has been a player while pretending to be in love with the lady, so as a lady always pay attention to the man you are dating to make sure that you are really dating the rightful and responsible man. A man that will grab your hand and ask what has gone wrong when the love eventually start fading away.


There are quite numbers of mistakes guys make when a girl pulls away from their RELATIONSHIP, but the above are just few 5 mistakes guys make when a girl pulls away.


  • First is assuming that the girl doesn’t love you, thereby acting the same.
  • Second is insulting and blaming her for pulling away from the relationship.
  • Third is announcing her bad side and behaviors to all your friends.
  • Fourth is ignoring the actual problem.
  • And the last but not the least is the act of feeling less concerned when your girl pulls away.

Article compose and written by Bright Tobias, thanks for your time at BRIGHTWORLD.

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