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Sweet Thought Banquet For Your Soul Soul – Sweet Thoughts Bouquet



Sweet Thoughts Bouquet
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Sweet Thought Banquet – Sweet Thoughts Bouquet

A sweet thought banquet for your soul can be seen as a deep thought that requires a deeper reasoning, a deeper thinking and a deeper examination before one can be able to come out with a suitable understand of it.

In most cases, before we carry out any task, duty or do anything, we would be advised to think about it before engaging in. To have a deep thinking over the action we are about to take before we can continue going further, this is what sweet thought banquet implies.

Sweet Thoughts Bouquet

Sweet Thought Banquet For The Soul – Sweet Thoughts Bouquet

Sweet thought banquet for thole soul are meant to build you, guide you and place you in above circumstances in life.

Sweet thought banquet are deep thought that gives you insight of the future, insight of how to carry out a task successfully and help in pushing you towards being a better person.

As stated, it is very important to always think over any decisions one wants to make, not just thinking about it, but having a proper sweet thought banquet of it. Sweet thoughts bouquet

Sweet Thoughts Bouquet

That is, thinking more deeper about it, this includes what the decision can result to, whether good or matter and how you can be able to handle whichever one that comes out of it. Sweet thoughts bouquet

Thinking about this will give you a detail whether you are doing doing right or not, whether you are thinking straight or not, whether you are getting it right or wrong, and whether you are making it or not. That’s all sweet thought banquet is implying. Sweet Thoughts Bouquet

Deep Thought

Enjoy Every Moment Because Death Is Unexpected – Deep Thought



Enjoy Every Moment Because Death Is Unexpected
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Table of Contents

Enjoy Every Moment Because Death Is Unexpected – Deep Thought

When being told to enjoy every moment because death is unexpected, what exactly does it mean?, Does it mean someone is wishing you death or you are being hated and not wanted in the surface of the earth?, Or does that phrase actually mean you should spend all your life’s savings just because death is unexpected?.

Well, when being told to enjoy every moment because death is unexpected, You are simply being put to a certain knowledge towards placing a limit on the societal expectations and advised to embrace a self confidence towards living the best of LIFE.

Enjoy Every Moment Because Death Is Unexpected

In a simple interpretation, “enjoy every moment because death is unexpected” is a call to place your life in a center unit against all odds and make sure you live the best of it.

Death as we may know is the permanent end of one. Life as said is ONE and when being taken by death, there is no single chance of living the best of it anymore.

Enjoy Every Moment Because Death Is Unexpected” is a call Reminder to LIFE QUOTE and mysteries of life which says that someday each and every one of us will die and leave this planet earth. So you are expected to live your life enjoying every bit of it.

See also  Enjoy Every Moment Because Death Is Unexpected - Food For Thought

You are expected to live your life making the best memory of it, documenting all the memories and keeping it by the side because one day, the memories will just be there to remember you when you are probably no longer there.

Enjoy Every Moment Because Death Is Unexpected

Enjoy Every Moment Because Death Is Unexpected – For Oppressors

While “enjoy every moment because death is unexpected” talks about withstanding pressures and making flowers out of it, it is also a call to remind the oppressors in the society to enjoy every bit of their authority because some day there will be no authority to exercise on anyone.

What does this mean?, it’s a call for those who serve as oppressors to others in the society to always remember that even with their power, influence and monetary authorities in the society, that someday they could have their last earthly breath unexpectedly. So while exercising your power and oppressing others, remember to enjoy it because some day, there will be no authority to exercise.

For The Oppressed

For the weak, the low and the heart heavy oppressed individuals in the society, “enjoy every moment because death is unexpected” is a call to remind you that nothing in life last forever. It will all take time for such condition to be over.

Look around you, what troubles you?, What gives you pain?, What and who makes life miserable for you?, Well just ignore the sound of the pain and create a beautiful flower out of it. Enjoy your life now, don’t give a room for worry and pain. Death is actually unexpected, so enjoy every moment of your life.

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Enjoy Every Moment Because Death Is Unexpected

Sometimes when you look around you, you see how people die like fowls, how people suddenly depart from the world unprepared and unannounced. Someone will be on his way to a friend birthday party, and there is a little car collision, boom death occur.

He leaves family in sorrow, pain and mourning and weeping. This alone shows how people die unexpectedly, even when bearing so much of burden in their heart, which could automatically becomes the end of all.


Enjoy Every Moment Because Death Is Unexpected

So to you reading this beautiful article, whatever it is that bothers you, keep them aside and enjoy the best of your life.

Death is actually unexpected, it comes like a thief, steal and run away. The difference among the thieves is death snatches life away, while people steal money and other valuables items.

Good luck and I wish you nothing but LOVE in your life. Bright Tobias is surely rooting for you.

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Enjoy Every Moment Because Death Is Unexpected – Food For Thought



Enjoy Every Moment Because Death Is Unexpected
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Enjoy Every Moment Because Death Is Unexpected – Food For Thought

When you are being told to enjoy every moment because death is unexpected, you are given a heavy mandate to ensure that each day of your life on Earth is well spent on important and valuable things, and things that are so dare to you instead of spending it on irrelevant things that doesn’t make any meaning or that will get you regretting or asking if you had know.

Enjoy every moment because death is unexpected is definitely a food for thought that won’t just make you eager to stay selfish and become a self centered person while trying to enjoy alone, but also bring out the generosity in your towards sharing with others knowing too well that LIFE doesn’t last forever, and some day each things that stay dare to us will vanish.

Enjoy Every Moment Because Death Is Unexpected – Food For Thought

Enjoy Every Moment Because Death Is Unexpected

Actually when one stays indoor and take out some hours to think about this LIFE, the person will surely end up regretting wasting such time because of how confusing and lost such thought can keep him. LIFE as they say if filled with mysterious journey, mysterious steps and everything about LIFE stays mysterious and beyond human comprehension.

See also  Enjoy Every Moment Because Death Is Unexpected - Deep Thought

You can only understand to a certain point, and where your knowledge and understanding about life ends will be a start line for some others, and no matter how expanding and diversify the brain can be, it is also limited to some certain level.

Enjoy Every Moment Because Death Is Unexpected – Food For Thought

So however, the above food for thought which says “enjoy your moment because death is unexpected” has so many impression to change, so many narrative to change and so many mindset to change. Below are few aspect of life where such quotes or statement can be taken seriously and applied, the set of people the quote are purely for and the effect it can have in one’s life.

1: For Those Always Caring About People’s Opinion:

At some point in LIFE, we may be worried about people’s opinions and mindset towards us. That is, we may be worried about what people said about us, what people are saying about us and what people will say about us thereby giving us a directive of living according people’s wish or according to what they want, instead of what we want.

In life so many people are so worried about what people will say if they do what they want to do, so many people are worried of how people we see them in some certain condition and situation thereby making them live above their means just to impress the public.

Enjoy Every Moment Because Death Is Unexpected

However, as one who ought to enjoy every moment because life is unexpected, you are meant to prioritize your happiness first before others. You are meant to go for what you want first before what others want. You are meant to live your LIFE first before living the life others want you to live.

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So many people are in this shoes and we only live by pretence and sometimes pains, just because we wishes to please others thereby displeasing our self.


In LIFE never you care about what opinion people have towards you, just live your life and make sure that the life you are living is worth it both in the sight of God and in the sight of human, Namaste.

2: For Those Troubled About Life Situation:

So many people in life are quite facing one problem or the other. So many people are facing problems, challenges and to me Bright Tobias and to my observation, the world in general are troubled. So this isn’t a family situation, a country situation, or even a continent situation, but the world in general faces challenges and trouble.

Enjoy every moment because death is unexpected is one of these beautiful quotes that meant to enlighten those into these conditions and passing through a lot to hold on to their happiness and ignore their challenges.

Enjoy Every Moment Because Death Is Unexpected

This beautiful quote is meant to remove every form of su!c!de and self po!so!ning thought and allow them embrace happiness, joy and take life the way it is, instead of being disturbed and bothered over things of life, and instead enjoy every moment be because death is unexpected, anyone can die at any given time. This is a sad reality, and is so sad that some day everyone will die and leave this Earth to a place no one knows.


Well I know there are high numbers of motivation and inspirational articles and videos out there which now makes it hard and difficult to get inspired based on the true reality of life, but the word of Bright Tobias has always been “keep your energy high and never despair“.

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Just enjoy every moment of your life because death is unexpected and keep the challenges and struggles of life aside, better days ahead buddy.

3: To See Everyone As Equal And Work For Humanity:

The moment you learnt that you have to enjoy every moment because death is unexpected will be the moment you will start working for humanity instead of just being a self centered person all the time.

This is a call of humanity, a call of humility and a call of seeing everyone as the same irrespective of your financial and social status, but embracing the fact that some day everyone will definitely die and leave our most precious things behind, for strangers who we may not even like to associate our self to.


If you are one of those that always discriminate against one another because of your social status or financial status, it’s a moment to have a rethink and know that we are all equal and should be kind to one another.

Enjoy Every Moment Because Death Is Unexpected


In a summary definition, Enjoy every moment because death is unexpected is about prioritizing your happiness and giving yourself the best treatment ever irrespective of what people are saying (no.1) and without bothering about life situations and challenges (no.2) and also without looking down on anyone but putting humanity first and seeing everyone as equal (no.3). Thanks for your time at BRIGHTWORLDBLOG

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Worrying Won’t Stop The Bad Stuff From Happening – Be Happy



Worrying Won't stop the Bad Stuff From Happening
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Just as the above word says, worrying won’t stop the bad stuff from happening, with it’s simple definition gives you the best details of the rest.

“Worrying won’t stop the bad stuff from happening” is definitely one of the best life inspiration that aims to enlighten you more about the importance of being happy always, instead of worrying over bad times in your life, because worrying won’t stop the bad stuff from happening.

Most times, when people worries too much, they tend to develop headache, pains and sometimes severe mental problem which can cause one to become insane.

Worrying Won't stop the Bad Stuff From Happening

The truth about life is that hardship, struggles, challenges and bad stuffs are the pillars that holds the success, rich, wealth and the records we seek for in life.

This literally mean that there can never be rich without struggles, there can never be wealth without life problems, there can never be records, success and good life without challenges and bad stuff happening many times. So challenges and bad stuff are there to take you to your destination, but only if you can hold on and persevere.

Worrying won’t stop the bad stuff from happening, instead of sitting down to worry, instead of worrying over the natural things that are meant to happen, just be strong and be happy.


Happiness is actually essential in everyone’s life, it helps in growth, not just in growth, but in proper growth. Instead of bothering yourself over the challenges, instead of worrying yourself over the obstacles that has weighed you down, just stand on your fit and be strong, stay happy because worrying won’t stop the bad stuff from happening.

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Worrying over and over can only cause more harm to you, it can never solve your problems or challenges, it only adds to it.

Worrying Won't stop the Bad Stuff From Happening

Embrace HAPPINESS and stop complaining over the hardship, because the obstacles and challenges you are seeing, the problems and hardship on your way are just there to make you stop, to make you know what life it’s all about and to make you understand more deeper of life, which you won’t know in your happy moments.

So embrace PEACE, embrace HAPPINESS and always stay focused, worrying won’t stop the bad stuff from happening.

No matter how you think from now till tomorrow, your thinking can never solve the problem for you, your thinking can never be a solution for you, instead it will cause additional harm and problem to you.

So live and stay happy rather than worrying over life challenges, because worrying won’t stop the bad stuff from happening, they only worsen them.


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