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PEACE OF MIND: 3 Ways Of Securing Your Peace Of Mind Amidst Of Troubles And Tribulations



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Definition Of Peace Of Mind.

Peace of mind is the inner most joy that comes out from one as a result of excessive accumulation of peace, happiness and internal joy. Peace of mind are the joy that sustains you amidst of troubles and tribulations. They are those things essential for human peaceful growth but when being impaired, can cause depression, angony and sad.

Peace of mind is essential in human growth which is why you are advised never to trade it with any other thing, because it shows the positive side of you.

In thousand cases, when this peace of mind is being taken from you, depression, sad and sometimes sorrow becomes a replacement. They are important in everyone’s life which is why some people can do anything in life just to make sure they keep their self happy.

Peace of mind are important tressure in life which can be considered as the greatest among Silver and Gold. Though a lot of people will still choose silver and gold over their happiness, several people will choose silver and gold over their peace of mind, but it is likely to be a weird act. Those that understand it can never trade their peace of mind with any other things, even if they are to do it to get what they want, at least it won’t be for a long time.

Happiness matters in everyone’s life, everyone in life deserve to be happy. Everyone needs peace of mind in their life, married people want peace of mind in their homes, students wants peace of mind in their academics, business people want peace of mind in their business and so on and so forth. The world we all live in needs peace of mind too, to stay peaceful and accommodate everyone. The importance of PEACE OF MIND in a person’s life can’t be over emphasized.

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But taking a walk down the society, you will notice how people tremble upon other people’s joy, how people tremble upon other people’s happiness without any consideration. Yeah, we live in a society where the rich use the peace of the poor to gain more peace. In other word, the rich uses the poor to gain more wealth regardless of their deprivation of peace of mind.

Peace of mind can’t be bought and at times can’t be given by money, they are driven internally by doing what you love most, by doing what makes you happy and by deciding to be happy. Yes, you have to decide for your own happiness before it can come to you.

Deciding for your happiness may be in the days of troubles, in the days of tribulations and in the days of agony, you have to stick to your mind and maintain that positive thoughts you have. Though it can be hard to stay happy amidst of all the troubles and tribulations coming to you, but you have to try your best. You have to choose this for your self to stay happy because happiness are truly essential for human growth.

But you depriving people their happiness, you depriving people their peace, what’s the need?, what’s the point for that?. Live and let others live, stop caging people to suit your interest, stop trembling upon people’s peace of mind. Live and let others live. By that way, you are helping the world health organization (WHO) in reducing the number of depressed patience, by so doing you are showing LOVE to humanity and by so doing, you are making the world an example of how and what God created it for.

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Peace of mind

Peace of mind

This is actually one of the hard self task to do, because staying happy amidst of troubles and tribulations can only be imagined, it is so difficult to do.

To be realistic, it is absolutely not possible to stay happy amidst of troubles, tribulations, sad, agony and when being in the state of depression. But “try” or “trying” can be a good option. Yeah, you just need to try and stay happy, trying to stay happy in those moments is the only option you can use to maintain those positive vibes, just try.

However, below are few tips that can help you stay happy and maintain your peace of mind amidst of troubles and tribulations that comes your way.

1: Stay Away From The Cause Of Your Anger:

This is of no doubt one of the best way you can control your anger and as such, keeping your insanity intact. And by keeping your insanity intact, you are also keeping hold of your peace of mind to avoid trouble.

Many people at times get troubled, loose their insanity simply because they refuse moving an inch from the cause of their anger. They get upset by someone and still stand on the same place with the person thereby keeping the whole scenario on their head.

Consider changing position if you notice your peace of mind being trembled upon, consider changing position if you start loosing your insanity, to avoid loosing it all and start acting weird, change location and maintain your PEACE OF MIND intact.

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2: Stop Engaging In Unnecessary Argument:

One of the codes of those that live quietly happy is “avoiding unnecessary argument”. Yes don’t engage your self in unnecessary arguments that doesn’t worth your strength.

Engaging in argument is quite a normal one, but engaging in some argument that matters not to you, is such a waste of time and a bad one. This is because some arguments will actually end up getting you emotional and psychological drain up thereby affecting your peace. Avoid engaging in arguments that worths nothing, arguments that you will engage in and at the end you start feeling headache, feverish and tired, avoid them.

3: Stop Trying To Win All The Arguments:

Don’t be the type that always operate on “it’s either I win or we keep talking”, don’t be the type that always say that if they don’t want to believe your point, then no need of stopping the argument.

Things I understand about “ARGUMENT” is that it is either you believe them or you leave. It is done out of will, not force. Everyone have their beliefs, point of views and different understanding. Stop forcing others to believe on your ground, because by so doing, you will end up talking too much and having a mouth pain which may deprive your peace.

So by staying away from the cause of your anger, by avoiding unnecessary arguments and by trying not to win all Arguments, you will help your self in keeping your PEACE OF MIND. Thanks.


Signs You Didn’t Get Enough Attention As A Child



Signs You Didn't Get Enough Attention As A Child
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Signs You Didn’t Get Enough Attention As A Child

There are some behaviours one often exhibits which talks a lot about ones background, starting from the point they were given birth down to their mode of training and growth. These signs have great impacts towards how one behaves at their adult level, and it can either be positive or negative.

However, for the purpose of the subject above, we will be looking at the signs that show you didn’t get enough attention as a child, so take a chill as Bright Tobias unravels some of these signs.

Signs You Didn’t Get Enough Attention As A Child

Signs You Didn't Get Enough Attention As A Child There are some behaviours one often exhibits which talks a lot about ones background, starting from the point they were given birth down to their mode of training and growth. These signs have great impacts towards how one behaves at their adult level, and it can either be positive or negative. However, for the purpose of the subject above, we will be looking at the signs that show you didn't get enough attention as a child, so take a chill as Bright Tobias unravels some of these signs. Signs You Didn't Get Enough Attention As A Child 1: Always Trying To Please People: If you are always trying so hard to please other people around you, even when it's going against you, then it could be one of the signs you didn't get enough attention as a child. It is quite understandable to take some personal steps and actions that go well with people around you and everyone at large especially things involving humanity, but then having other people's utmost desires and personal interests at heart even when it doesn't sit well with you is definitely a wrong one, especially those that aren't worth it. It is very important to always be bold, stand tall and be confident with your words and actions, irrespective of who doesn't like it or who frowns at it, as long as it pleases you, keep it on. People's opinions don't really matter, live your life and ignore whatever people say about you. Bright Tobias Says So. 2: Always On Isolation: Well, actually there are so many reasons that do put people into this state of life. Being an introvert most times is caused by people's weird actions towards another, thereby giving them a strong thought of staying off from people just to stay and be happy alone. However, While it can be important to stay away from people sometimes and stay in your lane especially when people have hit you so hard, it is also important to know that staying on your own could be a sign you didn't get enough attention as a child. I mean, no matter how hard it is to believe, you will deeply conclude that we all need people around us. We can't do anything alone, we need families and families are made up of people. We need friends and friends are also made up of people. While it is people's priority to keep natural families around and stay off from friends or strangers, it is also understandable that sometimes strangers can turn out to be family more than our biological and blood related families. The world is deep. So whether you are introverted or wishing to be, just have it in mind that being an introvert is also a sign you didn't get enough attention as a child. 3: Hard To Love: If you are properly raised and given the orientation of love while growing up, then loving someone or showing an act of LOVE to people won't really be a big deal to you. Most times people act violent and toxic in their RELATIONSHIP simply because they grew up in a home where there's always domestic violence. Whether a man or woman, young boy or young girl, if you find it hard and difficult to love someone or stay good to people, you might just be experiencing a sign you didn't get enough attention as a child. 4: Always On Panic/Fear Of Rejection: If you grow up with enough attention as a child, you will always have confidence in yourself. You will fully understand the word "NO" come often before "YES". You will simply embrace it as it comes. However, when you don't get enough attention as a child, your fear of rejection will be high and you will lack courage to attempt. 5: Hard To Trust: There are emotional damages one can experience at their tender age which can hinder them from trusting anyone they come across with, even as they grow old. This can often be an issue in their business life, personal relationship with people and even in their marital life. No one stays with who doesn't have trust in them, especially when the signs are too obvious. Signs You Didn't Get Enough Attention As A Child - Conclusion There are actually numerous signs one exhibit which really talks a lot about their state of growing up. If you are experiencing some of the things listed above, it could be a sign you didn't get enough attention as a child while growing. So pay attention well and make some corrections if possible, THANKS.

1: Always Trying To Please People:

If you are always trying so hard to please other people around you, even when it’s going against you, then it could be one of the signs you didn’t get enough attention as a child.

It is quite understandable to take some personal steps and actions that go well with people around you and everyone at large especially things involving humanity, but then having other people’s utmost desires and personal interests at heart even when it doesn’t sit well with you is definitely a wrong one, especially those that aren’t worth it.

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Signs You Didn't Get Enough Attention As A Child

It is very important to always be bold, stand tall and be confident with your words and actions, irrespective of who doesn’t like it or who frowns at it, as long as it pleases you, keep it on.

People’s opinions don’t really matter, live your life and ignore whatever people say about you. Bright Tobias Says So.

2: Always On Isolation:

Well, actually there are so many reasons that do put people into this state of life. Being an introvert most times is caused by people’s weird actions towards another, thereby giving them a strong thought of staying off from people just to stay and be happy alone.

Signs You Didn't Get Enough Attention As A Child

However, While it can be important to stay away from people sometimes and stay in your lane especially when people have hit you so hard, it is also important to know that staying on your own could be a sign you didn’t get enough attention as a child.

I mean, no matter how hard it is to believe, you will deeply conclude that we all need people around us. We can’t do anything alone, we need families and families are made up of people. We need friends and friends are also made up of people.

While it is people’s priority to keep natural families around and stay off from friends or strangers, it is also understandable that sometimes strangers can turn out to be family more than our biological and blood related families. The world is deep.

So whether you are introverted or wishing to be, just have it in mind that being an introvert is also a sign you didn’t get enough attention as a child.

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3: Hard To Love:

If you are properly raised and given the orientation of love while growing up, then loving someone or showing an act of LOVE to people won’t really be a big deal to you.

Signs You Didn't Get Enough Attention As A Child

Most times people act violent and toxic in their RELATIONSHIP simply because they grew up in a home where there’s always domestic violence.

Whether a man or woman, young boy or young girl, if you find it hard and difficult to love someone or stay good to people, you might just be experiencing a sign you didn’t get enough attention as a child.

4: Always On Panic/Fear Of Rejection:

If you grow up with enough attention as a child, you will always have confidence in yourself. You will fully understand the word “NO” come often before “YES“. You will simply embrace it as it comes.

Signs You Didn't Get Enough Attention As A Child

However, when you don’t get enough attention as a child, your fear of rejection will be high and you will lack courage to attempt.

5: Hard To Trust:

There are emotional damages one can experience at their tender age which can hinder them from trusting anyone they come across with, even as they grow old.

This can often be an issue in their business life, personal relationship with people and even in their marital life. No one stays with who doesn’t have trust in them, especially when the signs are too obvious.

Signs You Didn’t Get Enough Attention As A Child – Conclusion

Signs You Didn't Get Enough Attention As A Child

There are actually numerous signs one exhibit which really talks a lot about their state of growing up. If you are experiencing some of the things listed above, it could be a sign you didn’t get enough attention as a child while growing. So pay attention well and make some corrections if possible, THANKS.

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Karlotta Nila Age And Networth



Karlotta Nila
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Karlotta Nila Age And Networth

As the search of “Karlotta Nila Age And Networth” gets higher on the internet, so as the lady in person “Karlotta Nila” get more recognised and known not just in the United States where she hails from, but also around the world where thousands of people follow her on her different social media handle.

As at the time of writing this article, Karlotta Nila has over four hundred thousand (over 400,000) followers on her official Instagram handle and thousands of followers on her Facebook page.

Even though we are yet to confirm the authenticity of some of the pages created on her name on Facebook, but it is believed that her popularity helped in attracting those huge numbers of followers on Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms.

Karlotta Nila Age And Networth

Firstly before diving into Karlotta Nila Age And her networth, who is Karlotta Nila?, Who is she and where is she from?.

Who Is Karlotta Nila?

Well even though much of her personal life isn’t known yet on the media and she hasn’t communicated her biography online, but a brief information about her will help.

Karlotta Nila is said to be a social media influencer, model and fashion enthusiast who uses her platform to showcase her fashion model and share a touch of her personal life vacation with her followers and fans.

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Karlotta Nila Age

Well, as said earlier, at the time of putting this article together, much of her personal life isn’t known yet on the media. Except the few she shares with her audience especially her personal life vacation and fashion modelling styles.

Karlotta Nila Pinterest

For now, we can’t ascertain the genuineness and authenticity of the numerous Karlotta Nila Pinterest accounts littered everywhere, as since her breakthrough on the internet, a lot of people have equally be creating fake account and pages to impersonate her. She could be on Pinterest, one of the Karlotta Nila Pinterest accounts could be hers tho.

Stunning Pictures Of Karlotta Nila

So let us hear from you, do you know Karlotta Nila?, Have you seen her before, are you a fan to her and do you follow her on any of the social media handle?.

What do you know about Karlotta Nila?, Do you love her or do you hæte her?, Where do you think Karlotta Nila is from and which country is she currently at?. Let’s get your comment via the comment section, and thank you for your great time at BRIGHTWORLD.

Karlotta Nila


Karlotta Nila – The Story


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New Year Pick Up Lines



New year pick up lines
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Dear 2024, 2025, 2026 and 20s, this new year pick up lines is for you, read and grant my request.

New Year Pick Up Lines

New year pick up lines

New year pick up lines

Dear new year, it’s been a long dream to meet you. I have always crave and anticipated to meet you because I know you have so much packs of blessings for me. I have always anticipated for your turn because I was already fed up with the previous years which gives me nothing but pains, sorrow and hardship.

Dear new year, I know you are different and I strongly believe in you, this is why I’m making this beautiful ” new year pick up lines” for you.

New year pick up lines

Dear new year, as we begin this day, may all the good things I have always pray and work for hoping to get in the just concluded year come in uncountable folds. May all my labour which the previous years fail to appreciate me for, be appreciated this year.

Dear God, I’m so happy for a new year in my life, that is why I’m making this beautiful new year pick up lines for you to know how grateful I am.

I hope this year brings the best to all of us and grant us all our heart desires. AMEN.

New year pick up lines

New year pick up lines

New year pick up lines

New year pick up lines

HAPPY NEW YEAR BUDDY, Bright Tobias loves you.

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