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5 Life Motivational Quotes In Tamil Language(English Version)



Life Motivational Quotes In Tamil
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10 Life Motivational Quotes In Tamil Language (English Version)

Whether Malaysia, South Africa, South Asian, or even Indian state of Tamil Nadu where Tamil language is officially spoken by it’s indigenes, life motivational quotes is generally accepted and useful for all kinds of people on Earth, and maybe also useful for those beneath and above the earth. Just the language that differs.

Motivation in a dictionary meaning is a psychological feature that arouses an organism to action towards a desired goal. In a simple meaning, motivation is simply a psychological and emotional boast towards applying extra energy and effort towards achieving something.

However, Life motivational quotes in Tamil has so far help so many people across the countries where Tamil language is being spoken to regain their strength and energy towards achieving what they may have abandoned for long.

The purpose of life motivational quotes in tamil or life motivational quotes is to boast your strength, inspiring you to continue the race and pick up yourself for better and for good.

However, below are just five life motivational quotes in tamil given in the English version.

5 Life Motivational Quotes In Tamil (English Version)

1: Courage Is One Step Above Fear

Life Motivational Quotes In Tamil

Just as Satan is the greatest enemy of human, fear is the second enemy of human growth and this thus hinders so many people from getting to their destination and achieving what they wish to achieve.

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In LIFE, you may not really know the power of strength in you until you decide to conquer the fear in you and take that courage and bold step towards your destiny. Take that courage and step out of the box, fear is your enemy.

2: Where Car Owner Gets To With His Car, Can Be Trekked

No need to rush in life, wherever anyone with a car gets to, must be approached by a walking person.

Life Motivational Quotes In Tamil

This state that life isn’t about competition and you shouldn’t waste your time being in any competition with anyone, just focus on your life and ignore others. Just be patient and you will surely get to where others have been for long.

3: No Pain No Gain

As some may say, no guys no glory or no risk no success, this equate that the goodness of life actually comes from pain and suffering, you can’t enjoy the latter without the former, they are naturally attached to each other and nothing can be done about it.

Life Motivational Quotes In Tamil

As per life motivational quotes in tamil state, no pain no gain, for you to gain anything useful in life you will definitely pass through some series of pains and suffering and most times, these pains and sufferings can be long but with enough patience and endurance, GOOD LIFE is assured.

4: Rome Isn’t Built In A Day, Keep Working Hard

The above phrase has been in existence for long and many of us will be familiar with it, and it’s one of the life motivational quotes in tamil translated in English which gives one hope that whatever he or she is building will definitely take time to mature and start yielding some fruit. Actually life is patient and nothing good in LIFE can be gotten at a glance, it takes a while.

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Life Motivational Quotes In Tamil

That is to tell you that no matter how beautiful you think Rome is, it took years of architectural planning from top engineers and builders to be able to get such beauty.

5: The Journey Of A Thousands Mile Begins With A Step

The English version of life motivational quotes in tamil states that the journey of a thousands mile behind with a single step, what does this mean?.

Life Motivational Quotes In Tamil

This actually briefly explained that no matter how big your dream can be, it requires you just to start to accomplish the dream.

In LIFE no matter what you want to be, what you wish to be and what you intend to be, no matter how big and heavy your aim and objective is in life, you definitely have to start somewhere to be able to get to your destination.

Well I think this is one of the beautiful life motivational quotes in tamil that tends to stop people from always procrastinating and instead, start up somewhere to be able to get to their destination or dream.


Life Motivational Quotes In Tamil

Life motivational quotes in tamil language just gives most of the same life Motivational Quotes anyone can enjoy in different languages, but the same meaning.

This motivational quotes can vary based on the occasions and event at hand, but life motivational quotes in tamil just gives you the meanings in South Asian and Indian state of Tamil language.

This is just the English version and we hope you enjoyed it, do have a meaningful and successful LIFE ahead.


Are You Ready for Battle Spiritually?



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Are You Ready for Battle Spiritually?

In life, we often face challenges, struggles, and trials that test not just our physical and mental endurance but also our spiritual strength. The concept of a “spiritual battle” is one that many faith traditions emphasize. It refers to the constant struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, and the challenges believers face in their journey towards spiritual growth and enlightenment.

To determine if you are ready for spiritual battle, let’s explore some key areas that reveal your preparedness.

Are You Ready for Battle Spiritually?

1. Know Your Enemy

One of the fundamental principles of any battle is understanding your enemy. In the realm of spirituality, this enemy can take many forms: temptation, doubt, negative influences, and even personal weaknesses. Scripture often personifies the enemy as a spiritual force working against you, and it’s important to identify how this force may be manifesting in your life. Are you battling with addictions, negative thought patterns, or relationships that lead you astray? Recognizing these is the first step in readiness.

  • Biblical Reference: Ephesians 6:12 says, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” This verse reminds us that spiritual battles go beyond the physical realm.
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2. Put on the Full Armor of God

Ephesians 6:10-18 offers powerful imagery of the “Armor of God,” which represents the spiritual tools you need to withstand spiritual attacks. Just as a soldier wouldn’t go to war without armor, you must equip yourself for spiritual battles.

  • Belt of Truth: Integrity and honesty are your foundation.
  • Breastplate of Righteousness: Live in a way that reflects your faith, making righteous choices.
  • Shield of Faith: Faith protects you from doubt and despair.
  • Sword of the Spirit: The Word of God is your weapon against lies and deception.
  • Helmet of Salvation: Keep your mind focused on eternal salvation.
  • Feet Fitted with the Readiness of the Gospel of Peace: Be prepared to spread the message of peace and truth.

These are not just metaphors but practical spiritual disciplines that, when practiced daily, fortify you against negative influences.

3. Prayer as Your Battle Strategy

Prayer is a vital tool in spiritual warfare. It’s the means through which you communicate with the Divine, gain strength, and receive guidance. Just as a general in battle receives orders from a higher authority, you must seek direction and reinforcement from God.

  • Constant Communication: Are you in regular communion with God through prayer? Spiritual battles are won through divine wisdom, strength, and intervention.
  • Praying for Others: Part of being battle-ready is interceding for others. This helps build a community of believers that supports each other in times of need.

The Bible encourages believers to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), recognizing that prayer isn’t just a last resort, but the most powerful offensive and defensive tool in spiritual battle.

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4. Faith and Trust in God

Spiritual readiness requires unwavering faith. You may not always understand why certain challenges arise, but trusting God’s plan is essential. Doubt is often the enemy’s weapon. Are you able to stand firm in your faith when you don’t see immediate answers to prayers?

  • Faith in Action: James 2:26 reminds us that faith without works is dead. Are you acting on your faith, even in the small, everyday decisions of life? Are you stepping out in obedience, even when it feels difficult?

5. Guarding Your Mind and Heart

One of the most effective strategies the enemy uses is attacking your thoughts and emotions. Are you vigilant in guarding what you allow into your mind and heart? What kind of media, conversations, and influences are you exposing yourself to?

  • Philippians 4:8 says, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” This verse teaches us to focus on what uplifts our spirit.

6. Community Support

In any battle, having allies is crucial. Spiritual readiness means recognizing that you are not alone. Surrounding yourself with a supportive faith community helps you remain accountable, encourages you during trials, and reinforces your strength.

  • Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Are you connected with a group that can sharpen you spiritually?

7. Discipline and Consistency

Spiritual growth requires discipline. Just like physical training, spiritual strength is built over time. Are you consistent in your spiritual practices, such as reading scripture, prayer, meditation, and fasting? Being ready for spiritual battle isn’t something that happens overnight. It takes a daily commitment to growth.

  • 1 Timothy 4:8 reminds us, “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” Spiritual training holds eternal rewards.
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So, are you ready for spiritual battle? Readiness requires understanding your enemy, being equipped with spiritual tools, nurturing your faith, guarding your heart, and staying in constant communication with God through prayer. It also means staying connected to a supportive community and maintaining spiritual discipline.

The journey of spiritual readiness is ongoing. It requires self-awareness, devotion, and trust in God’s plan. Each day, as you grow in faith and equip yourself with spiritual strength, you become more capable of standing firm in the face of spiritual challenges. Let your heart, mind, and soul be aligned with God, and you’ll be ready for any battle that comes your way.

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Why Doesn’t My Wife Cook Food The Way I Like



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Why Doesn’t My Wife Cook Food The Way I Like

Are you a boyfriend , husband or a man and you are wondering why your girlfriend , babe or wife doesn’t cook food the way you like in this present 21st century?, then wonder no more as Bright Tobias has the best answer for you to stop wondering. Well, I think here we call a spade a spade, we don’t have any other word for it. So calm down and relax let me tell you all you needed to know about “Why Doesn’t My Wife Cook Food The Way I Like”.


Why Doesn’t My Wife Cook Food The Way I Like

Will He Come Back

Firstly, as a man it is very important to know that girls or ladies are gifted naturally in so many different things. Not just about ladies, but everyone in life. We all have different gifts and talents which most times when nurtured, can be a source of upliftment to us.


This is to say that most time skills and talents which other people possess, are inborn talent and skills, although there is room for skill acquisitions and talent development, but then it doesn’t have to be based on our expectations or desire.

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So this is to say, while some ladies are naturally gifted with a cooking skill or talent, some are not.

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While some acquire this skill while growing up, some didn’t.


While lady A may be busy learning a cooking skill, lady B may also use the same time to acquire a teaching skill, what matters is the UNIQUENESS one possesses.


However, cooking skill is one of the requirements many men look out for while DATING or in a RELATIONSHIP, but this doesn’t validate a good marriage neither does it prove a point when checking good, skillful or industrious women, it’s just a skill anyone can have though.


Why Doesn’t My Wife Cook Food The Way I Like – Final Judgment

Will He Come Back

As a man if your wife or girlfriend doesn’t cook the way you like, I can only recommend five options for you.


1: Teach Her How To Cook:


Most women know how to cook, but cooking specific tastes of food that will suit some particular people may be difficult for them. So if you find out your wife or your woman doesn’t know how to cook the food you like, then I think you should consider teaching her how to cook the food to your taste, instead of making a headline out of it.


2: Cook It Yourself:


Gone are the days when men are prohibited from cooking. In this present days, some men cook more than their women. So what this mean is, if your woman doesn’t cook food the way you like, then I think you should cook the food the way you want. As simple as it is, I think LIFE isn’t hard tho.

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3: Employ A Professional:


In cases your wife doesn’t cook the way you want and you don’t want to teach him how to cook food the way you like and neither do you want to cook it yourself, then I think you should consider employing a professional cook who will be cooking food the way you like. Isn’t that simple and stress free?.


4: Eat Out:


If teaching your wife how to cook food the way you like is a big deal and cooking it yourself is a stressful job for you, or even employing a professional will be expensive for you, then consider eating out. Don’t ask me why, just buy food outside from eateries and restaurants and enjoy yourself.


5: Get Out:


If the option from one to four isn’t good or right for you, and you are still complaining “Why Doesn’t My Wife Cook Food The Way I Like”, then I think you should get out and go back to momma to cook for you, thank you.



The above option should be able to solve your worries of your wife or your woman not cooking food the way you like, remember if option one to four doesn’t answer your question or work for you, then option 5 will definitely work.


Thank You For Your Time and God BLESS YOU.

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Unique Usernames For Your Socials



Unique Usernames
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Unique Usernames For Your Socials

Looking for unique Usernames?, Probably for your social media handles, accounts and lifestyles, then worry no more as BRIGHTWORLD unveils 50 unique Usernames just for you.

Unique Usernames

However, sometimes Unique usernames are being created as initials of ones name, or taken out from your name as the case may be. So let’s try to create some unique usernames out of people’s names. Here we go.

Unique Usernames For Your Socials

Unique Usernames


Let’s take an instance your name is Amanda and you wish to have some unique usernames or names that are not commonly found or heard elsewhere. Then here are some suggestions.

* Amanda

* Mda

* Aman_Life

* Aman World

* Aman_Corner

* Am_Ada

* Ahm_Ada

* Amyworld Corner

* Amyworld Life

* Ama_life

* Ama_Corner

* Damy_World

* Damt_Corner

* Amanda Lee

* Ama_Doings

* Ama_Cruise

These and more are unique names that can be crafted out of the name Amanda. And mind you the word “Amanda” is also a beautiful username on its own, it’s a short world for Chimamanda. A name popularly owned by Nigerian ladies.

2: Linda:

Unique Usernames

Linda is a popular world, although a lot of people prefer the name like that, but something can also be crafted out of it to make it more unique and personal. Let’s look at some of the unique usernames that can be created from the name Linda.

* Leeda (sound more like a leader)

* Ama_Lyn

* Ama_ Lynda

* Ama_Lead

These and more are unique usernames that can be created out of the name “Linda

3: Chioma

The world “Chioma” is an Igbo world (a tribe located in Nigeria, Africa) which simply means “Good God”.

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Over the time, people especially those born in the region finds it interesting to name their offspring Chioma representing how good their God has been with them.

Unique Usernames

However, “Chioma” is also one of the easiest names one can bring out unique usernames from, even though some of the usernames may have been taken by others, but you can always twist it a bit to make it more unique and personal. Here are some unique usernames that can be created from Chioma.

* Chiomy

* Chiomzy

* Chiomizy

* See_Chiomy

* Seechom

* Chiomiline

* Cho-Cho

* Am_ Chiomy

* Ama_Chiomzy

* Itz_Chiomiline

These and more are unique usernames that can be created from the word “Chioma

Unique Usernames For Your Socials – Conclusion

Unique Usernames

The list above are just unique usernames you can use in your social handles. Compiled and created by Bright Tobias.

However, you can twist it to your taste or simply think of any that will match your name.

Thank you for your time at BRIGHTWORLD.

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