Robin Gilmore as a guy on my side has always wanted to solve some challenges facing or befalling those in state of RELATIONSHIP, as the situations and qualms happening around the world of partners into RELATIONSHIP has given a lot of people wrong perspective into believing that such union can never be built in a solid ground, thereby making people into the union sees each other as fake or gamers, and also giving other aspiring ones reason never to go ahead with their relationship dream.
However, as a means to solve some of this challenges and make Relationship to be seen as the stepping stone to good MARRIAGE, he tries to analyze the current reasons why people are becoming more afraid of investing or going into a relationship with anyone.
And below is some of his thoughts.
Actually, the problem facing Relationship in our world today is people’s inability to read, watch and understand what RELATIONSHIP is all about.
Many people who think they are up to the age of being in a relationship quickly rush in without having plans or making a proper plan for their relationship affairs or goals.
This seems to be part of the reasons the union keep crashing everyday, because people fails to identify their plans and objective before involving in any.
Secondly, social life has taken over everything people have built for with years, people now want to live as others are living which is why break up and even divorce keep rocking high every day.
But however, with below method you can get that perfect RELATIONSHIP you want and build it to your taste, even though no Relationship is perfect.
It is hundred percent possible to be a good partner as long as it doesn’t mean being a perfect partner. No one is really perfect in life not even in a relationship, so being perfect in a relationship is probably impossible, but being good or being a good partner is quite possible.
Here’s how.
Don’t just jump into a relationship without reading or watch one or two books or videos relating to relationships and partner building, this will help you in finding out the “Rights” and the “wrongs” in Relationships.
It will help you grow more mentally and stay more mature to be able to handle any issue that will come up in your Relationship.
Always know the goal, purpose and objective of your Relationship, where it started and where it is heading to.
Avoid making plans that tends to cheat on your partner, the main goal of everyone in Relationship is to know each other and get marry in future, and never for any other thing.
So having any plans aside this shouldn’t be encouraged in order to stay as a good partner and enjoy your Relationship.
Always read, watch and also observe from people, but do not listen to anyone all time.
This entails about living the way you want and handling your Relationship issues maturely, instead of listening to any advise from anyone.
Pay attention to advise given to you by people including your friends, think deeper about them before carrying anyone out.
Robin Gilmore by my side would always say, “perfection is found in heaven, and not on Earth”, though I don’t know if perfection is truly found in heaven, but I agree with him on the part that says perfection can’t be found on Earth.
One of the uncomm way of being a good partner is by stopping to seek for perfection and by stopping to act perfect.
Stop seeking for perfection from your partner, because your partner is not, this will increase your partner’s love for you for not expecting some special qualities from him or her.
Bright Tobias
Building a RELATIONSHIP takes a lot from one, study and listen to those that has taken some of these battle to the end, and learn how they did it, then applied it, they may work for you also, Who knows.