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5 Things You Can Get For Your Partner On Valentine’s Day



5 Things You Can Get For Your Partner On Valentine's Day
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5 Things You Can Get For Your Partner On Valentine’s Day

So just as the Christmas season has gradually ended thereby leaving everyone in anticipation of the upcoming Valentine’s day which holds every 14th of February in a year, what special would this day be for you and your partner?

Valentine’s day as the teaching is best understood and explained, is a day for showing LOVE. There’s absolutely no specific type of love mentioned here or tagged with the Valentine’s day, but just LOVE and love alone.

This however, mean that this day is a special day for showing any kind of love you can ever think of. Be it showing love to one who you haven’t been kind to for a very long period of time, going out in the street to do some random giveaway for the homeless and orphanage, or even going on a romantic date with your partner to make them feel special, love and appreciated and getting some nice and beautiful gifts for them also. It all based on the area you are able to touch, what really matters is that you show love.

Valentine's gift flower

However, we are taking the romantic lane aspect of the “Valentine’s Day“. That is, we are more concern about the love aspect of partners who got into RELATIONSHIP for a common goal and aim.

It is in a day like this that you are meant to do something beautiful an go extra mile to spark and sharpen the love more as to keep the love flowing like a deep oceon.

How Can You Make Your Love Flow Like A Deep Oceon?

5 Things You Can Get For Your Partner On Valentine's Day

You may ask, how can one keep the love flowing like a deep oceon, well even when that may sound like a big grammar or musical rhyming words, it doesn’t make it unrealistic. But you can achieve that by doing those little things that you may think that doesn’t matter in your Relationship.

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As we all know, Relationship is truly a beautiful thing and can be more beautiful adding with sweetness when you meet the right one for you. But however, the initial stage of every relationship is always beautiful and taste so much juicy, but the later days of it can also taste sweet or taste sour based on how you are able to make things up.

The later days is sweet based on how you are able to continue doing those minor minor and little little things you were doing when you both started newly or when you first meet him or her.

I guess when you both met in the shopping mall or somewhere else and exchange contact, you always call him or her at night to ask of how his or her day went, and you won’t let 14th of February slide by without getting flower or nice things to him or her. So now you both have spent months or years together, why do you want to be reminded about the 14th of February?.


Well forgetting it is just like forgetting your duty as a guy or as a lady, unless the financial aid isn’t right there at the moment, by so it can be more understandable than having the mentality that such things isn’t important any longer, Because it is.

5 Things You Can Get For Your Partner On Valentine’s Day

5 Things You Can Get For Your Partner On Valentine's Day

So for those still sparkling in their relationship and their love still flowing like a deep oceon, here are 5 Things You Can Get For Your Partner On Valentine’s Day to put that smiling face on his or her face.

1: Flower:

Sometimes some people underrate a gift of flower as they doesn’t see it valuable, eatable or usable, but there is a reason flowers are always used in occasions that involves two partners, even in marriage ceremonies, flowers are greatly in present not just for beautification alone, but to add some romantic vibe or scene to the ceremony.

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Even some people that do go on a date, they would want somewhere covered by beautiful flowers as to bring that romantic scene needed in their lives, so if flowers can be chosen over valuable and eatable items, why do you still think that getting them for your partner isn’t a good one?.

Dear, buy some flowers, and send it to your partner on the 14th to see the smile on their face. Not everyone is ready for valuable items as you may call it or money as many may desire, some just want that Red Rosy flowers to hold onto and say sweet things to you…

So add it to your budget, BRIGHT says so.

Valentine's flower

2: Necklace, Chain Or Bracelet:

Sometimes while we plan for bigger surprises for our partners and get those plans failed and abandon as a result of financial instability and it’s relating challenges, thereby leaving our duties unfulfilled, we may end up shooting ourselves by the leg especially when our cakes get taken away and consumed by another who provides those little and minor things we see as nothing.

Customize necklace

This isn’t to say that bigger surprises aren’t allowed or it’s bad, no, but it is important to know your level and never hang your cap where you can’t possibly get it down easily.

Consider getting a Necklace, Chain or bracelet for your partner and watch as that smile gushes out.

Some goes for customize necklace, chain or bracelet, but while the enough finance isn’t there to get your partner name written on the necklace, chain or bracelet, you can go for your reach.

However, as one who get such gift from your partner, expect less and appreciate more. The future hold something beautiful on the way, do not mount pressure simply because you aren’t given what you expect or want.

Better days ahead as they say, don’t you hope so?.

Customize chain

3: Clothes:

During the months or years of being with your partner, you may have known and seen the type of clothes your partner want and craves for, you can decide to launch it that day and gift them to your partner.

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Fashion outfits

It mustn’t be something expensive though, just as you can afford. Be it singlet, bossers, pant or a beautiful out fit that can make that your partner jump over you and wanting to ride you like the horse of the house, lol, get them for your partner.

4: Food:

So while staying, enjoying and also sleeping with your partner under the same roof, you can’t possibly deny the fact that there are special dishes or even foreign snacks your partner want which most at times isn’t prepared at home or within the environment. You can decide to order for it and become the newest Santa Claus to your partner.

Something like Pizza can be a good choice, but depends on you tho.


5: ShopRite:

So if you don’t see the above four list attractive or not really your choice, then you both can go to ShopRite to eat and drink to stupor, have fun and visit other fun places like swimming and create a beautiful memories together.

This won’t just make the RELATIONSHIP flows like a deep oceon as I said in the beginning but it will also get you both drown. That is, it will lead you both from Relationship to engagement and finally MARRIED… That’s just what a little act of kind can do. It goes a long way to define the future, so take every 14th of February so serious and act cheerfully to your partner, thanks.


Important Notice:

  • The above words, advise or article isn’t a gender based advise as there is absolutely no particular gender targeted when making this contents, it’s a beautiful advise for the both gender.


  • Please note that getting a Valentine’s day gift to your partner doesn’t mean your partner is still a child or acting childish, because many have this ill thinking that it is only the kids that does Valentine’s day, while the matured ones or adults doesn’t.

Well you can think whatever you want, but just as doing those childish act (as some call it) makes your Relationship last longer and improve the love your partner has for you, don’t you think that those childish act should be embraced over the matured acts?.



Controversial Questions To Ask Your Partner



Controversial Questions To Ask
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Exploring Controversial Questions To Ask Your Partner:

Controversial Questions To Ask Your Partner: In every romantic relationship, open and honest communication is key to building trust and understanding between partners. While discussing lighthearted topics can be enjoyable, delving into controversial questions can deepen your connection and foster a greater sense of intimacy. However, it’s crucial to approach these discussions with sensitivity, empathy, and a willingness to listen without judgment. In this article, Bright Tobias will reveal some varieties of controversial questions to ask your partner, along with tips for navigating these conversations with respect and empathy. Stay tune as Bright Tobias unveil them.

Controversial Questions To Ask Your Partner

Controversial Questions To Ask

Politics and Ideologies:

Asking your partner about their political beliefs and ideologies can lead to insightful conversations about values, priorities, and societal issues. However, politics can be a sensitive topic, so approach with care. Questions might include:

What political issues are most important to you, and why?

How do your political beliefs influence your views on social issues?

Have you ever had a change of heart about a political issue? What prompted it?

While asking, always remember that political issues can be sensitive sometimes, so do not take some answers too seriously.

Religious Beliefs and Practices:

Controversial Questions To Ask

Religion can deeply influence a person’s identity and worldview, making it a potentially contentious but valuable topic to discuss. Approach these questions with curiosity and respect for your partner’s beliefs:

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What role does religion/spirituality play in your life?

How do your religious beliefs (or lack thereof) shape your values and decision-making?

Are there aspects of your religion that you struggle with or question?

However, just have it in mind that religious issue and beliefs are quite sensitive to the public and also to some people. In some cases, friends can fall into a serious argument thereby leading to enemity due to one’s beliefs of religion and all that.

So you must approach this questions with carefulness and also maturity, knowing too well that sometimes what you believe can be slightly different from what your partner believe, so handle the difference with love, respect and maturity.

Money and Finances:

Controversial Questions To Ask

Conversations about money can be uncomfortable, but they’re essential for financial transparency and shared goals in a relationship. Here are some questions to consider:

How do you feel about saving and spending money?

What are your long-term financial goals, and how do you plan to achieve them?

How would you handle financial disagreements within our relationship?

Can you agree on joint account for your business?

These and more are interesting Controversial Questions To Ask Your Partner on money and finances. However, the last question on the list can be tricky as it’s meant to ascertain one’s intention of “building together” in their marriage. But have it in mind that the answer given isn’t the only way to verify it’s authenticity or to how true it is. You can also verify through other means as most times people are likely to say “NO” as form of joke or say “YES” just to play around. Take charge.

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Family Dynamics and Upbringing:

Controversial Questions To Ask

Understanding your partner’s family background and upbringing can provide valuable insights into their values, communication styles, and emotional triggers. Approach these questions with sensitivity:

What was your relationship like with your parents/siblings growing up?

How do you think your upbringing has influenced your approach to relationships?

Are there any family traditions or dynamics that are particularly meaningful to you?

S3x and Int!macy:

Controversial Questions To Ask

Discussing s3x and int!macy can strengthen your emotional bond and enhance your physical connection. However, it’s essential to approach these conversations with sensitivity and respect for boundaries:

What are your s3xual desires and fantasies? How can we explore them together?

How do you feel about experimenting with different s3xual activities or preferences?

Are there any past experiences or traumas that affect your relationship with s3x?

Lastly, you can also trigger the question of whether s3x before marriage or after marriage is the best, just to know their own point of view.

Career and Ambitions:

Understanding each other’s career aspirations and ambitions can help support each other’s goals and dreams. Here are some questions to consider:

What are your long-term career goals, and how can I support you in achieving them?

How do you define success in your professional life?

Are there any career-related sacrifices you’re unwilling to make for the sake of our relationship?

This also help to know the kind of person you are dating or getting in touch with, whether a career minded person, a someone who doesn’t have anything to desire about their life. It’s an important Controversial Questions To Ask Your Partner.

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Ethical Dilemmas:

Controversial Questions To Ask

Exploring ethical dilemmas together can reveal shared values and ethical boundaries. Approach these discussions with an open mind and a willingness to engage in thought-provoking dialogue:

How do you navigate moral gray areas or ethical dilemmas in your life?

Are there any moral principles that you would never compromise on?

How do you reconcile conflicting ethical beliefs within yourself or in our relationship?

Future Plans and Goals:

Controversial Questions To Ask

Discussing your future together can strengthen your commitment and alignment as a couple. Here are some questions to explore:

Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, or 20 years? How do you envision our future together?

What are your non-negotiables when it comes to long-term goals and aspirations?

How can we ensure that our individual goals and dreams are aligned with our shared future as a couple?

Tips for Navigating Controversial Conversations:

Approach discussions with empathy, curiosity, and a genuine desire to understand your partner’s perspective.

Practice active listening and avoid interrupting or dismissing your partner’s thoughts and feelings.

Be open to vulnerability and sharing your own experiences and emotions.

Set boundaries and respect your partner’s boundaries during these conversations.

Remember that disagreements are natural and can lead to growth and deeper understanding if approached constructively and more especially, handled with sense of maturity.

Controversial Questions To Ask Your Partner – Conclusion

Controversial Questions To Ask

Engaging in discussions about controversial topics with your partner can foster greater intimacy, understanding, and trust in your relationship. By approaching these conversations with empathy, respect, and a willingness to listen, you can deepen your connection and strengthen your bond as a couple. Remember that communication is a journey, and each conversation is an opportunity for growth and deeper connection with your partner.

Thank you for reading and I wish you the best in your LOVE life.

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How Much Does A Rehearsal Dinner Cost?



How Much Does A Rehearsal Dinner Cost?
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How Much Does a Rehearsal Dinner Truly Cost?

Whether rightly planning a wedding or searching to gain some premium knowledge of how much does a rehearsal dinner cost, whether for fun or for educational purpose, I think you are at the right place to gain all you wishes to know. Stay tune and read on as we analyze the cost of running a wedding and the cost of everything needed in every wedding party.

How Much Does A Rehearsal Dinner Cost?

How Much Does A Rehearsal Dinner Cost?

The excitement of planning a wedding often comes with a lot of decisions and expenses. Amidst the array of tasks, one significant event that requires careful planning is the rehearsal dinner. While it may seem like a minor detail compared to the grandeur of the wedding day itself, the rehearsal dinner holds its own importance in bringing together close family and friends to celebrate the impending union of two individuals. However, the question remains: How much does a rehearsal dinner cost?, does it worth it, is it necessary to have a rehearsal dinner when getting married?, These and more questions is about to be revealed by Bright Tobias.

In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the various factors that contribute to the overall expense of a rehearsal dinner, providing insights and tips for couples navigating this aspect of wedding planning.

Understanding the Purpose of a Rehearsal Dinner:

Before delving into the costs associated with a rehearsal dinner, it’s essential to understand its purpose. Traditionally held the night before the wedding, the rehearsal dinner serves as an opportunity for the wedding party, immediate family members, and sometimes out-of-town guests to come together, rehearse the ceremony proceedings, and enjoy a meal in a more relaxed and intimate setting. It’s a chance for the couple to express their gratitude to those who have played a significant role in their lives and wedding preparations. The people that can be involved in the rehearsal dinner includes the immediate families of the two parties, the best man to the groom, best ladies or shower bridesmaid and few other people who also played a huge role towards the upcoming wedding ceremony.

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How Much Does A Rehearsal Dinner Cost?

Factors Influencing Rehearsal Dinner Costs:

Guest Count:

The size of the guest list is perhaps the most significant factor influencing the cost of a rehearsal dinner. More guests mean higher expenses for venue rental, catering, and other essentials. Couples must decide whether to include only the wedding party and immediate family or extend invitations to out-of-town guests and close friends.

Venue Selection: The choice of venue can range from a private room at a restaurant to a backyard barbecue or an upscale event space. Each option comes with its associated costs, including rental fees, catering minimums, and additional services such as decor, staffing, and audiovisual equipment.

Catering and Menu Selection:

How Much Does A Rehearsal Dinner Cost?

The culinary offerings at a rehearsal dinner can vary widely, from casual buffets to multi-course plated dinners. The cost per person will depend on the menu choices, the level of service provided by the catering staff, and any special dietary requests or enhancements such as open bars or dessert stations.

Beverage Options: Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are often included in the rehearsal dinner package or offered as add-ons. Couples may opt for a limited selection of beer and wine, a full bar with cocktails, or non-alcoholic refreshments to suit their preferences and budget.

Entertainment and Activities:

While not always necessary, entertainment and activities can add an extra layer of enjoyment to the rehearsal dinner experience. This may include live music, DJ services, photo booths, or interactive games and icebreakers to engage guests and create lasting memories.

Décor and Ambiance:

How Much Does A Rehearsal Dinner Cost?

The ambiance of the rehearsal dinner venue sets the tone for the evening and contributes to the overall guest experience. Couples may choose to invest in decor elements such as floral arrangements, table linens, lighting (coloured or plane ones), and signage to create a cohesive and visually appealing atmosphere. And most especially, an atmosphere for upcoming couples.

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Depending on the location of the rehearsal dinner venue relative to the wedding venue or accommodations, transportation costs may need to be factored in. This could involve arranging shuttle services for invited guests or even going to the point of hiring transportation company services for the wedding party.

Miscellaneous Expenses:

Miscellaneous expenses such as invitations, favors, gratuities, and unforeseen last-minute additions should also be accounted for in the overall budget for the rehearsal dinner. You never can never who will be counting on that, lol.

Budgeting Tips for Rehearsal Dinners:

How Much Does A Rehearsal Dinner Cost?

Set a Realistic Budget: Begin by establishing a realistic budget based on your financial resources and priorities. Consider allocating a portion of your overall wedding budget specifically for the rehearsal dinner to avoid overspending.

Prioritize Must-Have Elements: Identify the key elements that are most important to you and your partner, whether it’s the venue, catering, entertainment, or decor. Allocate a larger portion of your budget to these priorities while being flexible with less essential aspects. In other hand, some of these priorities can include choice of drinks, choice of dressing, choice of food and even choice of environment or building, whether hotel or rented event space, all should be properly budgeted for and within your capacity.

Research and Compare Prices: Take the time to research different venue options, catering packages, and service providers to compare prices and offerings. Don’t hesitate to negotiate or ask for customizations to fit your budget and preferences. Remember wedding preparations isn’t something you can do in a day. Except you are having a low budget wedding and may not wish to have a rehearsal dinner included in your budget, that way it is fine. But if you wishes your wedding to be the talk of town and wishes to include the rehearsal dinner, then it must be well planned.

Opt for Off-Peak Dates and Times: Consider hosting your rehearsal dinner on a weekday or during off-peak months when venues and vendors may offer discounted rates. Brunch or lunch options may also be more budget-friendly than evening events.

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Limit Guest Count: While it’s tempting to invite everyone you know, keeping the guest list intimate can significantly reduce costs. Focus on including immediate family members, the wedding party, and close friends who have played a meaningful role in your lives or played special roles towards your wedding preparations, invite them and dime with them. Remember wedding isn’t about showing off as people may not care, what matters is the marriage afterwards.

DIY Where Possible: Get creative and consider DIY options for decor, favors, and entertainment to save on expenses. Enlist the help of friends and family members to contribute their talents and resources to the rehearsal dinner planning process. This comes where family and friends who you may have contributed one or two things in their lives before comes in. It’s time to repay back by offering you any free service they can on your event preparations.

Those good friends of yours who are into the area of cooking, can decide to cook for you that day to avoid your ordering for extra cook, thereby reducing the cost for you.

Always remember that what Matters isn’t about the wedding, but about the marriage you are about to enter with your partner.

How Much Does A Rehearsal Dinner Cost?


In conclusion, the cost of a rehearsal dinner can vary widely depending on factors such as guest count, venue selection, catering choices, and additional amenities as stated above. By understanding the key elements that influence rehearsal dinner costs and implementing budgeting strategies, couples can plan a memorable and meaningful event without breaking the bank. Ultimately, the rehearsal dinner serves as a precursor to the joyous celebration of marriage, bringing together loved ones to share in the anticipation and excitement of the wedding day ahead.

So you asking how much does a rehearsal dinner cost, I hope I have been able to answer with the different factors involved.

Thank you for reading, remember, Bright Tobias wishes you the best of the best in your marriage.

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4 Tips On How To Be A Submissive Husband



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4 Tips On How To Be A Submissive Husband

Sometimes what makes love more sweet, more amazing worthy of emulation, and long lasting isn’t the romantical part of it, neither is it the financial stability of the man in the marriage, but the act of submissiveness.

As a man, learning how to be a submissive husband towards your wife and towards your family is one of the best techniques you can apply to keep your home and marriage on track.

In fact, I Bright Tobias has always maintained that untill men learn how to be a submissive husband to their wives, and start putting it into practice, the rate of marital problems and divorce will keep increasing thereby causing fear among the young teens who wishes to embrace the union.

How To Be A Submissive Husband

However, in a journey of learning how to be a submissive husband, one must learn and master the act of humility, the act of kindness, sympathy, endurance, love and most especially patience.

A submissive husband is a husband who knows how to love his wife.

How To Be A Submissive Husband

A submissive husband is a husband who knows how to tolerate and be patient with his wife when provoked.

A submissive husband is a husband who knows how to love his wife unconditionally in every situation.

So you must master the act of kindness, sympathy, endurance, patience, humility and love before you can stay submissive to your wife or spouse.

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How To Be A Submissive Husband

How To Be A Submissive Husband

As being a strong headed husband has tire you and you are finally opting to be a submissive husband to your wife, I must say you have done the rightful thing, because women tends to love men who stays humble and submissive to them than men who takes them for granted.

So below are four tips on how to be a submissive husband so your wife will keep being more submissive to you too.

1: Respect Your Wife:

In every marriage, Respect is one of the things all parties owe to each other, irrespective of your status in the marriage or family, whether man or woman, you owe each other respect to the fullest.

Well, one of the things that makes marriage sounds funny in our present day society is the inability of many men to respect their wife.

Respect present here isn’t just the normal respect, but the respect that comes when your woman makes some certain decision and you keep to it without the society mindset of being the “head” of the family.

Marriage demands that as a man, you must learn and be willing to be submissive to your wife, and one of the ways of being submissive to your wife is by respecting some of her decision.

Sometimes allow her to make the rules without interfering. Sometimes allow her to take the lead without feeling threaten of your position.

In fact I must say, one of the things destroying so many marriages in the society is the societal believe that women doesn’t have a say in their marriage. Women truly have a say.

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A woman can see you as a submissive husband or partner when some of her decisions in the home start getting respected and taken than being objected because women are believed not to have a say.

So one of the ways of being a submissive husband is by respecting your woman and some of her decisions.

2: Being Loyal To Your Wife:

Most marriages ended up in separation as a result of the men not being loyal to their wives. And sometimes this always bring a huge problem to the home especially when the woman is tired of enduring it alone. One day she may spark up, it may end up in chaos, who knows.

Well, if you wishes to be submissive to your wife, make sure you stay loyal to her and act like one being owned. This won’t only extend the lifespan of your marriage, but it will bring more of the same loyalty and respect from her too.

3: Tolerance:

Marriage requires a lot of tolerance from the both parties, not just from the wife alone. You must learn to tolerate your wife in a bad or good state.

Sometimes women can be annoying, it will be for your own interest and interest of your family to tolerate her till the end, as she will see you as one being submissive to her. So you must master the act of tolerance and more to be able to have a beautiful marriage ahead.

4: Love

A submissive husband is a husband that so much love his wife and will do everything to please her.

I have always maintained that marriage is not a war, marriage is problem and marriage shouldn’t be feared to practice.

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In fact the holy bible of Christians described marriage as a beautiful union of two people. But unless you get a mental reformation and distance your self from the societal norms, beliefs and ideologies, you will never see the beauty part of marriage.

There must be love present for a man to be submissive to his wife. Too much of love shown to women is what some called “spell” or “voodoo” but I think for one to be able to practice love properly, you must be under a spell. So don’t be worried when the society say you are under a spell just because you are giving your wife or partner the best of love and affection she deserves. It really shows you truly love her and you are submissive to her.


How To Be A Submissive Husband

There are different ways on how to be a submissive husband to your wife, but the above mentioned options are among the the few things to do.

You must learn to respect your respect your wife always irrespective of what the society is saying about it.

You must master the act of loyalty to your wife. Wives aren’t the only one meant to be submissive to husband by being loyal to them, men also owe their wives loyalty and that’s a sign of a submissive husband.

You must learn to tolerate your wife or partner and ignore the advice the society is giving.

And lastly you must learn to always love your wife in all aspects of life and always be by her side. I wish you best of luck in your marital journey. Bright Tobias is rooting for you.

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